A sink brims with water. You pull the plug The water stirs . A vortex materializes.
满满一盥洗槽的水, 当你拔去水槽的塞子,水就会开始搅动.
互联网The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.
柯林斯例句The man the to pull the plug the talks is Greek Cypriot Presidential Commissioner George Iacovou.
互联网You pull the plug. The water stirs A vortex materializes.
当你拔去水槽的塞子, 水就会开始搅动.
互联网The company president decided to pull the plug the unprofitable Internet division.
互联网Finally the president to pull the plug on selling this medicine.
互联网The whirlpool appears reliably whenever we pull the plug.
互联网Her advice to middle - class families: Pull the plug.
她对 中产阶级 家庭的建议是: 拔掉电源插头.
互联网Pull the plug tighty after the charging inner bladder expands.
互联网Many times it looked like one of us would pull the plug.
互联网I need you to tell her that they're going to pull the plug.
电影对白Instead, users talk out controversies online, and only rarely pull the plug on someone. As Mr.
相反, 用户可以在网上说出不同意见, 而且只有很少数的用户有针对某些个人的行为.
互联网We decide to pull the plug from the -- company for lack of current fund.
因本公司缺乏流动资金,故我们决定撤销对 -- 公司的投资.
互联网There has to be some way to -- to pull the plug.
pulltheplug 把插头拔掉,引申为停止的意思.
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